5 Important Facts to Know About Invisalign

Natural Smiles • Aug 28, 2017

Your Louisville Ky dentist is ready to resolve your dental problems, small or large. Natural Smiles focuses on general dentistry and cosmetic dental solutions. One problem we often see is crooked or misaligned teeth.
There are a number of ways to correct crooked teeth. But recently, one method has become popular because it’s convenient and subtle: Invisalign. This treatment is unique because it doesn’t require fixed metal brackets or wires. In fact, Invisalign is a doesn’t use any metal at all. Invisalign uses clear orthodontic aligners that are removable to make it easy to remove for eating and cleaning.
If you’re looking for a dentist in Louisville to straighten your teeth, look no further than Natural Smiles. Give us a call today at (502) 414-0146 or use the online form to request a visit.
Today, we also have five facts about Invisalign that you need to know.
1. Invisalign is virtually invisible.
We mentioned at the beginning of the post that Invisalign does not have metal. The Invisalign aligners are also virtually invisible. The aligners are made from plastic, and no one will even notice that you’re wearing the appliances. This is one of the major benefits of Invisalign. Patients, especially our working adults, don’t want to have anything distracting on their teeth.
2. Eat whatever you want with Invisalign.

If you have had braces or know someone with braces, you probably know about the food restrictions. It’s one of the most frustrating parts of having fixed appliances. So many foods are off the menu. With braces, you’re not to chew gum or eat chewy foods, popcorn, hard candy, and many hard breads and bagels. And this doesn’t count the number of times food will get trapped in the braces. With Invisalign, there are no food restrictions. When you want to eat, you just remove the aligners.  
3. Wear Invisalign for at least 20 hours.
Throughout your Invisalign treatment, you’ll change out your aligners about once every two weeks. It’s important to wear your aligners for about 20 hours a day to achieve optimal results. A huge benefit of Invisalign is that the appliances are removable, but don’t set back your treatment by not following the rules.
4. Invisalign treatment takes about 12 to 18 months.
Traditional braces often take anywhere from two years or longer to treat. While traditional braces are a great way to correct extensive alignment issues and bite issues, not everyone needs extensive orthodontic treatments. Some of us simple need some minor tooth movement. This is where Invisalign can help. You can finish your treatment in about half the time of traditional orthodontics.
5. Invisalign has a 96 percent satisfaction rate.
In dentistry, we want to provide treatments that work great and feel great. Invisalign accomplishes both. We know this because the treatment has an extremely high satisfaction rate. And once the teeth are aligned, you’ll enjoy a healthy and more beautiful smile.

Straighten teeth today at Natural Smiles in Louisville, KY
Our main goal is to provide dental procedures that can make a difference in a person’s life. Invisalign is a way to subtly improve your smile. You let the aligners do the work, and meanwhile, no one will even need to know that you’re wearing orthodontic appliances. Give us a call today at 502) 414-0146 to schedule your visit today.

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