4 Signs Your Fangs Are Screaming for a Smile Makeover

Ever feel like a zombie? A little worn out, not so hot, kind of a mess, really? It could be your teeth shrieking for change. Put some pep in your step with a smile makeover. Find out what’s going on with your teeth deep down and what can be done to give you a whiter, brighter, healthier set of fangs.

1. Fillings and Crowns Are Deteriorating

Fillings and crowns age, just like the rest of your teeth, and eventually they can start to crack and crumble. If you grind and clench your teeth, you are likely to have even more oral health problems. Rather than try to wait out the deterioration (which will never get better on its own and will only get worse and allow bacteria inside your teeth), pursue natural-looking tooth-colored fillings or new porcelain crowns that correct what’s going on and prevent problems.

2. Food Gets Stuck Everywhere

As we age, our teeth make minor, incremental movements. Simply daily use is one of the biggest reasons why. There is also relapse from orthodontic treatment. Over time, the annoyances of shifting teeth mean food gets stuck somewhere after every meal, a frustrating and embarrassing side effect.

Many adults turn to Invisalign for correction. Wearing customized clear aligners for about a year corrects problems within your teeth and delivers a strong, straight smile with fewer gaps and places for food to settle.

3. Whitening Doesn’t Work

Have you tried to whiten dingy or yellow teeth using over the counter products? If results are spotty, it may not be the product or user error – it may be your teeth. Your dentist will tell you whether your tooth enamel can even be whitened. If yes, powerful professional bleaching products are a fast and easy way to brighten up. If it’s determined that this cosmetic dentistry solution is unlikely to make a dent, it may be time to discuss another way to conceal what you don’t love – porcelain veneers.

These super-thin porcelain shields conceal all the aesthetic features you dislike about your smile, from chips to cracks, gaps to misalignment, stains to discoloration. Personalized in all ways to flatter, veneers last for decades and are stain-resistant.

4. Teeth Are Loose

If you have loose adult teeth and haven’t suffered a blow to the mouth, your gums are likely suffering from a bacterial infection. Gum disease starts small but, if you don’t see your dentist regularly for cleanings and exams, periodontitis will haunt your mouth.

In some cases, teeth and gums can be deep cleaned with laser gum therapy or deep teeth cleaning, but if teeth are so loose they’re ready to fall out, dental implants or another restorative dentistry treatment will be needed to correct your entire smile and prevent it from deteriorating.

Whatever Halloween spookiness threatens your smile, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kiran Gill at Natural Smiles in Louisville, KY, to find out how to get the antidote.

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Louisville, KY 40207

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