The #1 Reason You Need a Deep Teeth Cleaning

The term “deep teeth cleaning” can be deceiving. It sounds like thorough brushing and flossing but this form of oral health care is intended to treat the earliest stages of gum disease. The goal is to remove infection with an advanced cleaning method before there is an opportunity for the disease to spread and destroy oral health.

Stages of Gum Disease

It isn’t hard to identify gum disease in late stages – loose teeth, inflamed gums, swelling, tenderness, bleeding, redness, bad breath. The earliest stages are harder to recognize, but your dentist knows immediately when something is wrong. It’s important to get a checkup regularly to discover whether infection is present and deep teeth cleaning can make an impact.

Here are the four stages of gum disease, none of which can be treated with brushing and flossing alone:

  1. Gingivitis: Gums are red and puffy and may bleed during brushing or flossing. Gingivitis is reversible with deep teeth cleaning.
  2. Mild periodontal disease: Bacteria has traveled below the gumline to tooth roots, allowing gums to pull away from teeth. Plaque and bacteria build-up begins.
  3. Moderate periodontitis: The soft tissues and bones that hold teeth in place are affected by gum disease. Pus, bad breath, and pain are not uncommon. Laser gum therapy may be enough to address the problem.
  4. Advanced gum disease: When gum disease is so severe it causes tooth loss, advanced dental care like extraction and multiple cleaning methods are required. The disease cannot be reversed and can only be managed with consistent dental care. Eventually, lost teeth can be restored with dental implants or other repairs.

All stages of gum disease require professional treatment from your Louisville dentist to stop the problem in its tracks and protect you from losing your natural teeth.

How Deep Teeth Cleaning Works

Deep teeth cleaning is sometimes referred to as teeth scaling and root planing. Dental tools manually scrape away infection or laser therapy is employed to conduct soft tissue management and rejuvenate gums. The goal of deep teeth cleaning is to create gums that are clean, healthy, and free of disease.

  • Preparation: Infected gums are numbed to minimize discomfort during cleaning.
  • Cleaning: Plaque and tartar are removed from under the gumline. The more serious the infection, the longer it takes to treat.
  • Prevention: Preventive dental care after deep teeth cleaning helps stop the problem from returning. Smoothing tooth enamel removes bumpy surfaces and prevents plaque from adhering.
  • Recovery: Sensitivity and swelling should be expected, as well as minor bleeding. The discomfort is temporary, and it helps to remember that it is a result of a now clean mouth.

Get a Deep Teeth Cleaning in Louisville

If you haven’t had your teeth cleaned in a while or you suspect that you may have gingivitis or an advanced form of gum disease, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kiran Gill at Natural Smiles in Louisville, KY. Periodontal disease does not go away on its own. Rely on your dentist to help you establish a healthy smile.

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4010 Dupont Circle, Suite 469,
Louisville, KY 40207

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